Prestige. There’s just something about a stitched logo that impresses people and gives the impression of professionalism. Even with all the advancements with silicon patches and DTG printing, no imprint method compares to embroidery when it comes to prestige.
Versatility Embroidery has the ability to be embroidered a wide range of garment styles and material types. This allows customers to imprint the exact same logo on everything from caps & beanies to polos & jackets.
Multiple colors at no extra cost Unlike screen printing, embroidery can imprint multiple colors at no extra cost. This is because embroidery is charged by how long it takes to embroider the logo. In fact, we use the logo’s “stitch count” as a barometer of how long it will take.
Only 1 Set Up Cost There is an initial set up for embroidery called Digitizing. We have to program the machine to be able to stitch the logo. Once a stitched sample is approved by the customer. The logo is set for all future orders so no future prep charges are necessary.
Durability Over time, screen printing or DTG printed designs begin to break down and some fading or even some cracking may result. Embroidered logos tend to outlast the garment. Making embroidery one of the most durable imprint methods available.
Unique Artistic Approaches Get creative with embroidered designs. Use unique thread colors, combine embroidery with patch material or use special effects like 3D puff embroidery.
It’s Not All Roses for Embroidery
Large Designs Designs that are 10″ or larger take considerably longer to embroider. In fact, some designs can take over an hour to stitch a single design resulting in higher costs to the customer.
Fine Detail: Small lettering or really fine detail makes embroidery a poor choice. Unfortunately, we can only embroider so small and when a logo has really fine detail or fonts, these sections of the design tend to embroider fuzzy or disfigured.
Limited Color Matching (Pantone Colors) Thread is offered in a wide array of colors but, unlike screen printing, not every pantone color is offered. This can be a challenge when strict marketing guidelines need to be met. However, there is always a color within a few shades of any custom color.
Higher unit costs in comparison to other methods Production of embroidery is significantly slower when compared to other imprint methods like screen printing. Although embroidery costs are reasonable at higher volumes, embroidery can’t keep up with our automatic press that has the capacity to print 950 shirts an hours.
Modifications to Logo There are some modifications that can be made to embroidered logos like changing colors but changes typically requires the design to be digitized (Set up) again. A common request is changing the size. This small change actually requires the logo to be embroidered in a completely different way.